Weird MGM

Steiner-Lobman Building Casket - Why is there a ‘casket’ atop the Steiner-Lobman building? No one knows. But folks are pretty sure it’s empty. Probably. - 184 Commerce St Montgomery, AL

World’s Largest Brick Made of Bricks - There are other larger bricks that are just one brick. But if you want to see a giant brick made up of lots of regularly sized bricks, then here you go. - Acme Brick Tile and Stone 10200 US-80, Montgomery, AL

Hank William Death Car - Want to see the car Hank Williams died in? Weird flex, but ok. You’re in luck however, as the Hank Williams Museum has it as their morbid centerpiece. - 118 Commerce Street Montgomery, AL

Hank Williams Grave - The Death Car got you jonesing for some more macabre Williams related activities? Why not go visit his astro-turf covered grave? - Oakwood Cemetery 829 Columbus St Montgomery, AL

The Mooseum - We’re not messing with you, that’s the name. It’s “the premier venue for children and adults alike to learn more about Alabama's beef cattle industry.” If you are lucky the Beef Wagon will be parked outside. - 201 South Bainbridge Street Montgomery, AL

The Moon Tree - This loblolly pine was grown from a seed that literally circled the moon as part of an experiment in the 70’s. It’s found on the grounds of the Capitol building. - Alabama State Capitol Grounds 600 Dexter Ave. Montgomery, AL

‘Haunted’ Locations and their Ghosts

Chris’s Hot Dogs - ???

Huntingdon College - The Red Lady

Huntingdon College – Frank

Lucas Tavern - Eliza Lucas

Downtown - The Lady in White

Hank Williams Grave - Hank Williams

Capitol Building - The Widow

Capitol Building - The Murderer

F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald Museum – Zelda Fitzgerald

Capital Towers Apartments - Fire Victims

Weird Near-MGM

Spectre Set Ruins - Where part of the 2003 film Big fish was filmed, you can visit this abandoned movie set. While some of the buildings have burned down, a good number still remain. - 1059-1065 Cypress Ln Millbrook, Alabama, 36054

The Cross Garden - “Hell is hot,” warns one of the many signs that R.C. Fields put up in his lifetime. Dead now, his massive garden of crosses lives on. - 1412-1414, Co Rd 86, Prattville, Alabama 36067

The Bamboo Forest - This 26 acre park is a veritable slice of southeast Asia, and was used as a training ground for soldiers headed to the Vietnam war. Today there are some nice trails, lots of large frogs, and towering bamboo over 80 feet high. - 800 Upper Kingston Rd, Prattville, Alabama

Wetumpka Impact Crater Marker - Did you know that downtown Wetumpka basically sits just east of an impact crater from a giant meteor strike? This astrobleme (star wound), is between 80-83 million years old. - 6246-6422 AL-21 Wetumpka, AL 36092

The Grave of Creama Tartar - How odd must your nickname be to get you into a museum? Creama Tartar odd it would seem. You can see this grave, which was once featured on postcards, in the Elmore County Museum. - 112 S Main St Millbrook, AL 36054

Red Door Theatre - Located in Union Springs, this once church is now a community theatre with a man buried beneath it’s floor. While in town, you should also check out the Pauly Jail, which still has a gallows and trap door. - 101 N Prairie St Union Springs, AL 36089

A Well Known Haunting From Each Surrounding County

Autauga County - Bear Creak Swamp - A little bit of everything from cars to orbs

Butler County - Consolation Church - A Banshee

Crenshaw County - Mary Daniel Bridge - Mary Daniel

Elmore County - Chamber of Commerce Building - Scarecrow, voices, footsteps, etc

Lowndes County - Marengo House - Spirit of an invalid woman from the 60’s

Bullock County - The Josephine Hotel - People who checked in, but not out

Macon County - Tuskegee Army Airfield - The ghosts of men killed in training

Pike County - Pace Hall - Poltergeist in the international dorm