Free Legal and Finance Resources

Call 211 - In many cases your first step should be to call 211. If you are not familiar with 211, think of it just like 911, only instead of connecting you to emergency services in your area, it connects you to information and referrals for health, human, and social service organizations. Calling this number can get the ball rolling on finding space in a homeless shelter, information on getting food stamps, rental assistance, senior services, substance abuse help, healthcare assistance, mental health aid, suicide prevention, things of that nature.

Legal Services Alabama - LSA is a legal aid organization that works with low income clients to get them free or reduced cost legal aid in civil cases. They offer legal advice and counsel to those who qualify, as well as providing community education about your rights. They develop and distribute self-help materials and forms. And they were the folks who helped the Howlers form our nonprofit. They have offices across the state, Montgomery included.

Montgomery Volunteer Lawyer Program - Similar to LSA, the Montgomery VLP works with low income residents of Montgomery County in civil matters. They cover a wide array of issues, from bankruptcy, landlord/tenant issues, power of attorney, wills, collections, guardianships, and much more.

Operation Hope through Trustmark Bank - In our region Trustmark Bank has partnered with Operation Hope to bring financial literacy services to our area. You can get guidance on how to grow more financially stable from experts in the field. Learn all about credit and money management.

Montgomery Career Center - If you are in need of a job or career change, then this is the place. It provides free computer access to conduct job searches and training. It offers training programs, hosts job fairs, and offers budget planning. It will help you build a resume and provide a huge array of useful information. It even offers things like typing tests and the ‘career explorer’ which is designed to find the type of job that best suits you..

The Small Business Administration - The SBA has a number of local offices that will help provide you advice and guidance on opening a business. There are Small Business Development Centers on the campuses of Alabama State and Troy Montgomery. There is also a branch of SCORE, which offers a number of programs, training, and templates to help in this regard. The SBDC offices services are always free, while most of SCORE’s are, though some training may have a small fee.